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WHAT TIME SHOULD I ARRIVE?Our service starts at 10:30, but we have have tea and coffee ready to go at 10:00. Come a little early and enjoy some relaxed conversation in the foyer.
WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? We don't have a dress code. Come dressed in "weekend casual", your Sunday best, or anything in between!
IS THERE SOMETHING FOR CHILDREN? After a time of worship, the children will join ministry leaders for learning, games and fun activities. We have programs for children 0-4 years (nursery), children (4-10 years), and youth (10-16 years). All of our volunteers are required to complete a background check.
WHAT TIME DOES THE SERVICE FINISH?The service finishes around 12:00 pm.
WHERE DO I SIT?You can sit wherever you like. We want you to be comfortable and enjoy yourself.
WHAT IS THE SERVICE LIKE?A typical Sunday morning service consists of singing, praying, sharing, Bible reading, and a time of teaching.
IS THE CHURCH ACCESSIBLE?Yes, our church is fully wheelchair accessible.
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