In Person
Our service starts at 10:30, but we have have tea and coffee ready to go at 10:00. Our service includes music, prayer, relevant teaching from the Bible, and from time to time, other elements.
​We provide a separate teaching time for our children each week. This ministry will run during the Pastor’s message.
Duration: 10:30-12:00 pm
Children & Youth
We provide a teaching time for our children each week. This ministry is run simultaneously with our weekly Worship Service. After a time of worship, the pastor will invite the children to join the ministry leaders for a time of teaching and games geared for their age group. We have a nursery that available for ages 0-4, an children's class for ages 4-10, and a youth class for ages 10-16. All of our volunteers are required to complete background check.
Duration: 10:30-12:00 pm
Women's Groups